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自由 门安卓版

自由 门安卓版


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Be Safe Wisconsin is a broad and ongoing group of like-minded organizations and individuals dedicated to amplifying the importance of a sustained commitment to safe behaviors in the evolving fight against COVID-19.

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Today, if each of us makes an individual, concerted and ongoing commitment to safe behaviors, we can:

  • Protect you, your family and your fellow neighbors.
  • Reduce the spread of COVID-19 infections, hospitalizations and loss of life.
  • Support our health care workers, first responders and law enforcement officers during this critical time.
Take the Pledge

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Right now, the single biggest factor that will help the people of Wisconsin – our mothers, fathers, sons, daughters and friends who become infected, who need hospitalization – is how well we individually commit to practicing safe behaviors.

What it means to be safe has evolved and will continue to evolve as the pandemic develops. As testing becomes more available and processes for contact-tracing and subsequent isolation of those infected are built out, we expect to see a series of shifts in the behaviors we will need to undertake.

Amidst the changing environment, it is up to each of us to be safe. If every Wisconsinite does their part, collectively, we can combat the spread of COVID-19.

Use These Resources

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Home icon

Stay home as much as you can.

Handwashing Icon

Frequently wash your hands, use hand sanitizer and avoid touching your face.


Disinfect high-touch items and surfaces frequently, including mobile devices.

Distancing icon

Be vigilant about remaining 6 feet apart from others, and wear a mask or face covering when you go to work, shop or leave the house.

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Home icon

Stay home as much as you can.

Handwashing Icon

Frequently wash your hands, use hand sanitizer and avoid touching your face.

Disinfect icon

Disinfect high-touch items and surfaces frequently, including mobile devices.

Distancing icon

Be vigilant about remaining 6 feet apart from others, and wear a mask or face covering when you go to work, shop or leave the house.

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Take the Be Safe Wisconsin pledge to show your family, friends and neighbors that you are committed to helping them Be Safe in the fight against COVID-19.

  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Donna Center pledges to #BeSafeWisconsin.

Alaina Blackbourn pledges to #BeSafeWisconsin.

Alisha Mylener pledges to #BeSafeWisconsin.

Hailey Ryfinski pledges to #BeSafeWisconsin.

Craig Roloff pledges to #BeSafeWisconsin.

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